Meridian Lab

Meridian Laboratory

David White, IT Manager at Meridian Laboratory talks about their search for a fax vendor. Meridian Laboratory needed a reliable fax service that was HIPAA compliant for the transmissions of their healthcare documents.

Additionally, they needed a fax solution that could not only support their traditional faxing, but also integrate into, and fax enable, their Laboratory Information System (LIS).

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How is fax used in your business and what challenges caused you to seek an Online Fax Service solution?

We receive and send out more than 20,000 sheets of patient’s information every month through fax machines. Additionally, through our laboratory information system (LIS) we deliver another 20,000-30,000 per month via an internal fax server. We experienced lost or incomplete faxing both incoming and outgoing, telephone line issues, fax machine problems, and occasional user challenges. The delivery of legible faxes, consistent in quality, and traceable was critical to the clinics that we serve.

Almost every part of our business is tied to faxing. The cost of maintaining fax lines and all the hardware that is needed was rising each month. We needed help in these areas which prompted my research for a better, more streamlined, cost effective, and quick implemented solution. Not to mention one that could meet the security standards that we adhere to such as HIPAA.

Why did you choose Concord Fax?

After an exhausting exploration of a complete internet-based fax solution, Concord Fax was a clear winner. I looked at others and they just could not meet the service that I knew I would receive from Concord Fax. All the companies that I researched provided the basic requirements needed, but Concord offered much more. Their attention to detail, understanding of our business needs, and straightforward approach really made the decision an easy one. I have to say that the relationship that was built with the sales rep really sealed the deal. He did not try to sell me a product, but instead partnered with me in creating the best solution possible at a more manageable cost.

How easy was it to deploy Concord Fax and what has been the overall experience of your users working with the product?

In less than thirty days we went from the Flintstones way of faxing to a Star Wars way of faxing. The deployment was very simple and easy and so was the administration. Our users are very excited to use Concord Fax. No longer do we have lost or incomplete faxes. All faxes are delivered right into our email client, giving us the choice to print them out or not, which saves us money on consumables like paper.

What we really love is the tracing of faxes that make our job much easier. We can effectively manage our staff’s workload. Each department has their own fax number so faxes aren’t sent to a central location and dispersed, instead they go directly to the department that it needs to go to and the correspondence is personalized so we feel we are giving them that intimate type of service.

How does Concord’s responsiveness and service availability compare to that of other vendors you have worked with?

Before Concord Fax reliability and responsiveness was spotty at best. Since Concord Fax, none of those issues are thought of. Their customer service is impeccable, there has been no issue that they have not been able to resolve for us. We now focus our attention to other areas because faxing with Concord has eliminated a burden for us.

Would you recommend Concord Fax to another business?

I most highly recommend Concord Fax to all my business colleagues. When I am at meetings or outside of the office, and am asked what I am using or have implemented I always discuss Concord Fax because it is a very easy solution.

Our next step here is to use an API for Concord Fax so our LIS will no longer have to use a dedicated machine, it will just work and can get rid of those lines. Then we will be able to trace those faxes and resend them if needed.

Though the product is excellent, I feel that it is the people at Concord that make the business successful. They have delivered beyond our expectations. I wish I had known about Concord Fax sooner because it would have made my life, and everyone’s life, much easier. I highly recommend them.

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