How Much Is Cloud Fax Support Costing You?

“I really enjoy paying to be on hold waiting for tech support,” said no cloud fax user, ever. A better experience? Try a quick response from a support team skilled in providing speedy, comprehensive solutions to any issue. At Concord Technologies that’s what customers get — at no charge.

Often fax providers bundle basic support services into multi-year contracts, creating an additional cost regardless of utilization. Many times, that is coupled with another set of fees for all maintenance and upgrades. Concord is different:

• No-cost support is part of every contract. That includes installation, maintenance, and upgrades.
• No support sunset date — if you’re a client, you’re supported.
• U.S.-based support staff.

Concord views consistent, efficient, and easily obtainable support as an extension of how we assist customers from a collaborative implementation throughout the life of the partnership. Support is a part of our wraparound services, not a pricey add-on that’s bolted onto a contract as an immovable and ongoing cost of doing business.

Why pay for what you can get at no charge?

What’s more, Concord support is fast. Calls during regular business hours are routinely answered in under a minute.

Now consider experience. When reaching a member of the Concord support team, users speak with someone who’s familiar with the platform — not a call-center staffer flipping through a manual in hopes of finding a solution. That means quickly getting to the right resolution and getting business operations back to normal.

It’s worth mentioning that because Concord is a Cloud Fax provider, clients are also avoiding support costs related to on-premises fax servers and systems. Those can pile up even when there’s no problem if maintenance and upgrade fees are written into those contracts.

One-year, transparent contracts provide a scalable solution

Oh, and about those contracts: Concord Technologies offers one-year agreements so that users can adjust and evaluate their needs without being tied into a multi-year, inflexible deal. Like Concord’s “pay only for what you use” model, it’s another way that the customer remains in control.

This is a very different way of doing business from multi-year contracts with support and other fees lurking in the fine print. Concord clients know there’s no charge to call support just to ask questions, which means they’re maximizing the value of the Cloud Fax services they have as well as exploring new ways to enhance their setup. It’s a partnership that works.

Ready to learn more about how Concord Cloud Fax can help your business eliminate on-premises fax server costs, provide reliable, secure data delivery, and improve workflows? Let’s talk. 

Learn how Concord can help you.

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