Is Online Faxing Secure?

Transitioning to Online Faxing: Secure and Reliable Document Transfer Solutions for Your Business

Online faxing, also referred to as cloud or virtual faxing, is very much what it sounds like. The platform eliminates the need for physical fax machines and fax servers in the workplace. And while that in and of itself is a tremendous convenience for business owners, the added benefit is the security and reliability that comes with making the transition away from paper handling and its inefficiencies.

To uncover how cloud fax is secure and compliant for your businesses document transmission needs, speak to a Cloud Fax Specialist.

Why is Online Faxing a More Secure Platform

Online faxing is a more secure platform for several reasons:

It greatly reduces the need for physical documents which can easily be copied, left sitting out, or improperly distributed. It also reduces the need for printers and third-part shredding vendors.

Unlike traditional faxing, cloud-based faxing requires users to authenticate themselves before being granted access to sending or viewing documents. Faxes sent and received through cloud-fax are also encrypted in transit (being sent or received) as well as “at rest” (when stored on the cloud platform).

With multiple layers of security technology, continuous network traffic monitoring, and ongoing security trainings for our employees, we ensure that your data’s security remains a priority, taking part of that burden off of your administrative staff.

Ensuring Your Online Faxing Security

Concord Technologies takes the security of data very seriously. For that reason, we take a tremendous amount of precaution to guard your data. Following is a checklist of our security measures:


  • Secure data centers
  • Extensive employee background checks
  • Controlled and audited third party access
  • 24/7 CCTV surveillance of facilities and staff
  • Live video feeds stored off site


  • Current and up-to-date firewalls
  • Intrusion detection and logging
  • Penetration tests performed on internal and cloud networks
  • Frequent security scans performed on internal and cloud fax networks
  • Systematic auditing and review of logged data


  • Data encryption while in transit and at rest
  • Strictly controlled user and administrator authentication
  • Enforced minimum password standards
  • Zero image retention capability

Can Online Faxing Security Precautions Make the Platform Less Reliable or Responsive

Concord’s security precautions are established to make certain that your data is secured. However, equally important is the efficacy of our delivery methods. Consider the following enhanced reliability factors:

Concord’s Active-Active Architecture: This twice redundant measure means that elements of our network is replicated within and across each of our datacenters providing multiple layers of redundancy, protecting our clients against service interruptions.

Concord SureConnect: This technology routes inbound and outbound faxes between datacenters and alternative carriers to ensure that your data is delivered efficiently and on time. Essentially, SureConnect is monitoring your online faxing, making intelligent adjustments as needed. With less sophisticated fax networks, the solution is to retry the same pathway over and over again, typically with the same failed result. SureConnect recognizes the problem and securely moves around it so your inbound and outbound traffic continues moving.

Network Monitoring: Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Concord has traffic network monitoring running. This tracking of productivity compiles our predictive analytics which means we are proactively identifying and avoiding potential bottlenecks. 

In a previous post, we discussed five reasons that Online Faxing is a great fit for your company. We recommend that you review some of the highlights of that post while also taking into consideration the security discussion in this post.

In a nutshell, Online Faxing can significantly increase your productivity and efficiency, save you money and time and perhaps most importantly, reassure you that the protection of your documents and data is consistently being managed by professionals who understand how important security is for your venture.

To learn more, talk to a Concord Cloud Fax specialist.

To uncover how cloud fax is secure and compliant for your businesses document transmission needs, speak to a Cloud Fax Specialist.

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