Perez Trading Company

Perez Trading Company

The Company

Founded in 1947, Perez Trading is one of the most experienced and recognized international marketers of paper, paperboard, and graphic arts equipment to Latin America, the Caribbean and southeastern United States. Perez Trading’s traditional values and commitment to the region offer their customers an open door to the industry with a trading partner who truly understands and respects their needs.

The Challenge

For 10 years Perez Trading has been using a fax server for their day to day communication with clients who exclusively use faxing for order confirmations, shipping manifests and quotes. During this period, Perez Trading faced an increasing number of issues that came along with their fax server vendor. Business was interrupted when their fax server went down and their vendor was unable to respond to the situation in a timely manner. They experienced poor customer service with no support and maintenance required a lengthy amount of time which continued to delay the daily work flow. In addition, the cost for maintenance doubled within the past year and recovery planning capabilities for natural or man-made disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and fires were not available with their fax server. Consequently, Perez Trading came to the conclusion that a fax server solution was not cost-effective or efficient for their business needs.

The Solution

Faced with the challenge of a failed fax server and no support from their fax server vendor, Perez Trading had to work fast at resolving this issue. They evaluated several options during the decision making process.

Concord Fax Online, an IP fax service, was chosen based on its ease of deployment, cost effectiveness, reliability, network capabilities and functionality. Perez Trading contacted Concord Fax Online within hours of their system going down and received a comprehensive solution which included operational support of fax without any capital investment and their system was up and running instantly. Concord’s IP fax solution was a logical choice due to speed of implementation and real-time failover for both inbound and outbound communications. Concord Fax Online offered Perez Trading timely response and unmatched customer service support that was consistent, accessible and with high availability that would enhance daily operations and lower operational costs.

The Results

Concord Fax Online provides Perez Trading unmatched customer service support with a knowledgeable support staff to resolve any technical support issues. Concord Fax Online also manages an online support library that provides resources for reference and self-help information. “It’s been a pleasure working with Concord Fax Online. They are quite honestly the best thing I’ve ever seen, as far as fax solutions. Their support is very personable and there have been no implementation problems,” stated Jim Schwantes, IT Manager at Perez Trading. Furthermore, Concord Fax Online features Fax to Email (F2E) and Email to Fax (E2F) where you receive faxes by simply attaching one or multiple files to an email message. When the email is sent to the Concord network, the attachments are processed and transformed into a format suitable for delivery to fax machines. The fax is then delivered to its destination fax machine anywhere in the world and the delivery status is returned to the sender in the form of an email message. These features provide Perez Trading employees and clients an added security benefit of having faxed order confirmations, shipping manifests and quotes safely stored while keeping a paper trail for all processing.

Perez Trading received a comprehensive, reliable solution that eliminated the expenses associated with software and maintenance which allowed them to efficiently and inexpensively operate, collaborate, and transfer data with their vendors.

“It’s been a pleasure working with Concord Fax Online. They are quite honestly the best thing I’ve ever seen, as far as fax solutions. Their support is very personable and there have been no implementation problems.”

Jim Schwantes, IT Manager Perez Trading


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