Teleflora Handles Peak Inbound Fax Volume with FAXCOM

Teleflora is home to the largest family of high-quality florists in the world – connecting over 33,000 members. All Teleflora florists are experts at designing any style arrangement for any occasion to fit any budget. Since virtually all sales orders arrive via fax, the integration of FAXCOM with their product and service offerings has greatly increased the company’s ability to handle not only current clients but new ones as well.

Physical Fax Machines Unable to Keep Up

Originally, Teleflora had three fax machines dedicated to incoming customer orders. This setup worked fine for most of the year, but problems arose during peak holiday periods when all three machines were running constantly. Customers received busy signals and would then call in to complain.

Updating with FAXCOM

To solve this problem, Teleflora purchased a FAXCOM server to process overflow faxes from the three fax machines. Busy signals were virtually eliminated, except for rare occasions during the two busiest times of the year. Frequently all three fax machines and FAXCOM were simultaneously receiving orders. FAXCOM had less than one hour of unscheduled downtime before Teleflora upgraded the system to provide for the company’s growth.

Teleflora added a second, larger system to handle additional inbound peak fax volume, but more importantly, to also allow the company to begin integrating fax technology into other parts of its IT infrastructure.

FAXCOM’s integration with Microsoft Exchange enabled users to receive incoming faxes directly to their inboxes. Outbound faxes could be sent as easily as email through a Microsoft Outlook add-in.

Teleflora has realized the many other advantages of implementing an enterprise network fax solution including protection from viruses, a more secure delivery method than email, a verifiable transmission log, and one-to-one connectivity. “FAXCOM provided the best out-of-the-box solution for Teleflora,” stated Mark Quigley, Senior Systems Engineer. “We were totally satisfied with FAXCOM’s technical support, and their documentation was excellent, answering virtually all of our questions before we even had to pick up the phone.”

Inbound faxes can be routed in a variety of ways, including sending them directly to a printer or to an Exchange mailbox, based on the number dialed, fax port, or Transmitter Subscriber ID (TSID) of the sending fax machine. Teleflora uses the inbound routing capability to route faxes received on the “main” fax number to a pair of printers. Inbound faxes for individual users are routed automatically based on the DID number capability, which is easily assigned on a per-user basis via Microsoft’s Exchange.

Handling High Traffic with Ease

Today, Teleflora receives 32,000 fax pages per month on average, with up to 50,000 during the three peak holiday months, handles seasonal traffic spikes with ease, and increases productivity and efficiency of its team with direct delivery of faxes, automatic routing, and simple delivery.






The Problem
  • Customers regularly received busy signals via fax machines as Teleflora’s network could not handle large volumes of faxes
  • Customer complaints increased due failed fax order transmissions
  • 80+ person sales team needed to wait around fax machines to receive orders
The Solution

Teleflora implemented FAXCOM achieving:

  • Receives 32,000 fax pages per month on average and serves 500 FAXCOM users without connectivity or delivery issues
  • Enterprise network fax solution protects their network from viruses and provides Teleflora with a verifiable transmission log
  • Integration with Microsoft Exchange and desktop fax capabilities enable users to receive incoming faxes
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