Behavioral Health Providers Rely on Rapid Access to Current Data for Success

Healthcare is heavily regulated — particularly behavioral health providers. Outcomes reporting and attestation are everyday factors for human services providers, meaning they need to always have comprehensive data at their fingertips. They pay a literal heavy price for missing, incomplete information in the form of delayed or rejected claims alongside reduced reimbursement for services.  

Providers of community-based behavioral health services, substance use disorder treatment and long-term care for clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities want to focus on providing outstanding, person-centered care. They value the technological assists from integrated IT and electronic health record (EHR) systems that anticipate the needs of everyone from front-line care providers to executives, billing and other administrative personnel.  

And they also increasingly rely on a comprehensive, scalable fax solution that can quickly and securely transmit data, use artificial intelligence (AI) to extract and route information, and support workflow management.

A strategic, seamless fax solution is essential for behavioral health providers 

Agencies need a reliable fax and data solution that delivers. With Concord’s system of multiple data centers and intelligent call routing, the dead-end “fax retry” process is eliminated. Concord’s solutions also offer multiple ways to send and receive, including email, print-to-fax and the ability to interface with systems already in place. And at any time, users can access the fax queue via Concord’s online portal to monitor progress.  

Learn More About Concord’s Solutions For Behavioral Health & Human Services Providers 

That reliability is then supplemented by fax routing and prioritization. AI-driven data extraction streamlines workflows so that information related to intake, referral, care coordination or claims gets to the right person at the right time. 

Behavioral health and human services providers demand a fax solution and technology partner experienced in meeting today’s needs and creating solutions for those of tomorrow. Concord has partnerships with multiple behavioral health and human services agencies and understands their unique interoperability challenges. Concord’s fully digital, turnkey fax solutions help them achieve their goals by creating ease, efficiency, and quality improvement through: 

  • Programmatic workflow and process automation 
  • Automatic and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities for intuitive data extraction 
  • Document handling and routing to support streamlined workflows
  • API for EHR integration capabilities  

Concord’s suite of fax solutions is designed to help healthcare providers improve workflows and staff efficiency, reduce overhead and enhance service delivery. Please fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch to start a conversation. 

Learn how Concord uses AI to help improve patient outcomes.

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